
Conveyor team photo
Conveyor Montreal onsite, 2023

👋 Hello!

Our name is Conveyor and we spend a lot of time on security reviews, so our customers don’t have to.

At Conveyor, we're not just about creating solutions; we're about pioneering a future where technology and security converge to create an unparalleled work environment. Our commitment to excellence has led us to fully automate the entire security review process, setting us apart as leaders in the industry and making us an ideal destination for those who dare to dream big.

We are the leading generative AI-powered platform that automates and scales the most tedious part of the sales process: customer security reviews. Trusted by the world's top SaaS companies like 1Password, Freshworks, Pagerduty, and more, Conveyor helps vendors build trust with customers while reducing the time spent on the mind-numbing task of sharing security information and answering security questionnaires by over 90%. Through the combination of its automated AI security questionnaire completion software and its trust portal, which allows documents and security information to be shared in one click, Conveyor ultimately helps vendors close sales faster.

A wooden table on a sandy beach with a beautiful sunset behind it. On the table is a stinky dead fish. Digital art.
DALL-E Prompt: Company Spin Off

We weren’t always called Conveyor though, and we didn’t always like security reviews (shhh). Conveyor originally sprouted from the product offerings created at Aptible, a PaaS company working to automate compliance. At Aptible we identified that customer pain points surrounding the manual completion of security reviews are extreme and demand undivided attention.

In July 2021 a small group of us spun off from the mothership and formed a new company whose sole mission became to make security reviews instant, frictionless, and accurate.

By February 2023 our team had built the world's first GPT-powered "questionnaire eliminator," with a 80-90% accuracy rate on the first pass. This enabled our customers to fully automate the entire security review process with our trust portal and AI powered response tool at Conveyor.

The InfoSec crowd went wild for our products and we were able to extend our runway and raise a $12.5M Series A in October, 2023.